Sunday, April 26, 2009

Reaction "Brown Eyes"

After watching the film "Brown Eyes" I have come to recognize to necessity to have at least some general knowledge about ESOL students.  This student did not know a word of english and it appeared as if he was pretty independent of his parents.  Likewise, the teacher seem to have no prior knowledge of how to deal with a ELL student and the student suffered because of it.  The teacher tried to help in the only way that she knew how and it proved to be unsuccessful.  This student could have benefited from the teacher making sure that he was doing alright throughout the day and it would have even been beneficial to assign a "buddy" to him.  Also, I feel that she should have explained to the class that he does not speak english and that there is nothing wrong with him.  

As a teacher, I know that I will probably be faced with very similar situations in my own classroom.  These videos are helpful because they can provide examples and good and bad things to do when faced with a situation like the one in the film.  I really want all of my students to succeed, likewise just as important, I want all of my students to feel comfortable in my classroom. I really feel that when a student is comfortable in a classroom environment, more positive learning experiences will occur. 


  1. It is somewhat intimidating to know that we are going to face challenges such as these in the classroom. I feel that the resources in class will best prepare us and we will not truly find the best solutions until we encounter the situations out in the classroom ourselves!

  2. I am a new teacher who just went through this journey!

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